3 School Sports Fundraising Ideas for Summer

Posted on May 7, 2024 under EFS Blog, Fundraising Ideas

Summer is a time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather, so what better time than to raise money for your school sports teams? At Effective Fundraising Solutions, we have ready-to-go fundraising campaigns, and our team can help you brainstorm and organize sports fundraising ideas this summer. Whether you want to stick to the tried-and-true fundraisers your team has done before or plan something new, we can help you make your fundraiser a success.


sports fundraising ideas

Here are three sports fundraising ideas to help you support your teams and bring your community together this summer.


Car Wash/Bake Sale/Yard Sale Combo

When you think of fundraisers, three events typically come to mind: car washes, bake sales, and yard sales. While there’s nothing wrong with hosting one of these events, they’re not very exciting choices, either. However, you can take it up a notch by combining all three of them into one event. Having a car wash on a sunny summer’s day is great, but what do people do while they wait for the team to wash their cars? Set up bake sale and yard sale tables nearby so you can give people another chance to support your team while waiting for their car washes.


Team Tournaments

Summer is the perfect time to host a team tournament to raise money for your teams. Basketball and soccer are the easiest to organize, but there are plenty of other sports and games you can choose. Have teams pay a registration fee to join and ask local businesses to donate prizes for the top teams. Make the tournament a community event by offering concessions or asking local businesses and restaurants to sponsor it.


Getaway Raffle

Everyone loves a summer getaway, but not everyone has the means or opportunity to take a trip. Ask members of your community who own vacation homes to donate a weekend getaway or week-long stay to a raffle. To expand your options, ask local businesses to donate trips to nearby attractions. We recommend sticking to locations within driving distance to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the raffle.


Easy Sports Fundraising Ideas from EFS

Our team at Effective Fundraising Solutions makes organizing and hosting fundraisers simple. Contact our team at 855-888-4337 to get started with one of our easy fundraising campaigns today!