Get Ready for School with These Fundraising Ideas

Posted on August 7, 2024 under EFS Blog

Kids will be back in school before we know it, and even though fundraising efforts never really get time off, heading back to school means it’s time to step it up. There are plenty of costs associated with a school, both for the administration and the students. Our team at Effective Fundraising Solutions has plenty of school fundraising ideas to help you raise money for your school so your students have everything they need for the new school year.


school fundraising ideas

Try these school fundraising ideas to support your teachers and students in the new school year.


Recycle Electronics for School Supplies

For some families, the list of school supplies is more than just an errand they have to run before the first day of school. Many families can’t afford to buy new supplies for their kids every year, so it’s up to the community to help them out. An easy way to raise some money for other students in need is to arrange an old electronics drive. Ask people to donate their old phones, tablets, or even computers for recycling. Sell or trade in the old electronics for recycling and use the money to buy supplies for students in need.


Book Swap and Book Sale

We all love buying new books, but it’s easy to quickly run out of shelf space. If you have this problem in your home, a book swap and book sale is a great way to unload some old books and take some new ones home. A book swap/sale is easy to organize. Ask people to donate books to the sale and give them swap vouchers in exchange for the books they donate. They can exchange vouchers for books and pay for any more after they run out of vouchers. Price books low—$1 for paperbacks and $3 for hardcovers, for example—to encourage people to buy lots of books!


End of Summer Science Fair

Science fairs don’t have to wait for school to start! Invite older and younger kids to participate and offer prizes for the best entries, with different categories for the age groups, of course. Invite the school science teachers or faculty from a nearby community college to judge the entries. Ask people to donate at the door to view the entries and offer prizes donated by local businesses.


Contact our team at 855-888-4337 or check out our easy campaigns for more school fundraising ideas.