Healthy Schools Changing Fundraising

There is good news for people who want to fundraise: The Smart Snack Initiative only covers anything that doesn’t count as a smart snack sold on school grounds and is intended to be eaten right away, according to the National PTA. Since 2014, America has been attempting to save the future generations from unhealthy eating. With the Smart Snack initiative enacted in June of 2014, the quality of food served in schools has increased dramatically. While the Smart Snack Initiative focuses on the school breakfast and lunch programs, the program also extends to the vending machines and fundraisers. Yes, even elementary school fundraising has changed in light of the Smart Snacks Initiative. However, this initiative is not designed to stop fundraising. There are exemptions set up because the federal government understands the important role fundraising has within the school.

The Smart Snacks Initiative was created to combat childhood obesity. The initiative controls how much sugar, caffeine, fat and other components are in the food sold at schools. The regulations exist before school, during school, and up to a half an hour after the school day ends, which affects how the schools can do fundraising during a regular school day. Bake sales used to be the standard fundraiser at lunches, or before and after school. With the new regulations, the way that a school can fundraise has changed drastically.

You can still use Van Wyk chocolates or something similar because it is not intended for school consumption, and it is technically not sold on school grounds. Also, individual states do have exemptions for certain days through the year. The National Association of State Boards of Education has a nifty list of what states have exemptions regarding the healthy snacking that limits fundraisers.

The important thing to remember is that the initiative for healthy snacking is not intended to stop fundraising. Elementary school fundraising used to rely on bake sales, that is true, but with the rise of catalog fundraisers, there is no limitation on what you can send home with the children to sell. Catalog fundraisers are still able to sell chocolate, popcorn, and cookie dough to the people in the neighborhood because they do not get sold to the children.

The concern about the change in schools is a valid one, as there is always something new coming up for the well-being of the children. As these changes happen, fundraisers can change as well. The art of fundraising is somewhat fluid in the conceptualization of new ideas to bring in funding.

The best way to know what fundraising is best for your school is to understand the regulations at your particular school. It will allow you to determine which fundraiser you should do. Also, calling Effective Fundraising Solutions can help. We have been around fundraising for a while and know what the fundraiser at your school needs. We can help you plan and succeed with a fundraiser that meets all regulations at your school.

If you are interested in elementary school fundraising help, call us today at 855-888-4337 to discuss your fundraising options.